Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Wheel of Time - Robert Jordan (Part I)

I read this series (or what then constituted it) several years ago, and I must say, the first five books were much better than the second five. Somehow, I doubt that has magically changed since the late 90's, yet I haven't read the 11th or 12th (I guess I have to wait till that one comes out) and I have high hopes for the last few books. Something has to happen in those ones or the series won't really be over by number 14. I just finished the first five again, which are, in my opinion, some of the best in their genre. If the last four are as good, they might even make up for having to read the middle five.

Well, despite the length and thus the ridiculous waste of time (as it may be argued and I half way agree), I still heartily recommend the series as a delicious--if large and unhealthy--literary dessert. It is, after all, one of the best selling series ever of any genre.

Genre: Fiction/Epic Fantasy

A Tour on the Prairies - Washington Irving

If Washington Irving had been with Lewis and Clark on their transcontinental journey, we would know it as a much more exciting and in-depth narrative. After recently reading a couple of different accounts of the explorers' journey, I will admit they saw and experienced fantastic things, which we can only partly experience by following their path today; but Irving makes a simple tag-along trip with another group more engaging than Lewis' or Clark's journals.

Genre: History/Autobiography

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Nineteen Eighty-Four - George Orwell

I have to admit, this book is even more depressing the second time around. If you are frequently plagued by thoughts about the futility of human endeavors, well, this book won't help. Despite making you feel disturbed and occasionally grossed-out, it also makes you feel grateful that the book is (for the most part) fiction. And perhaps one of the powerful messages of the novel is to make sure it continues to be more fiction than reality.

As I see it, Orwell isn't dealing with any "out-of-this-world" ideas. Rather, he's taking the ideas that are commonly tossed around in politics and progressive thought and pushing them just a few steps further or corrupting them just a bit. In this way, his novel acts less as interesting speculations than as a warning of what is politically and culturally only a few steps away. What are those steps? Perhaps the further dehumanizing of the human, or perhaps the continuance of a trend of the working class being less politically active. And combined with these a slack in the freedom of speech and a rise in propaganda. Yet as I look at this novel as a warning to the free world, the most disturbing part about it is that the use of the words "free world" already implies that there is a "not free world," which often resembles Orwell's vision more than we would like to imagine.

In the end, I prefer "Fahrenheit 451" (which is similar in many ways) over this book, if only because it's a bit more uplifting.

Genre: Fiction/Modernist Lit

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Essential Lewis and Clark - Landon Jones (Ed.)

This was a quick, interesting read, especially if you're into history. If you're looking for a good, fairly comprehensive book on Lewis and Clark, I'd recommend Ambrose's "Undaunted Courage" over this, though.

This book had the advantage of being on the short side, but that is because it consists entirely of selected quotes from Lewis and Clark's journals. Unfortunately, this leaves a lot to asked for at times and makes the book nothing especially unique. Ambrose, on the other hand, does a good job at reconstructing the entire story, adding descriptions of areas they went, other historical accounts, and making the story into a stronger narrative.

Genre: History/Biography

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Damnation of Theron Ware - Harold Frederic

Last night I finished "The Damnation of Theron Ware," which had been sitting on our bookshelf for quite some time from one of Katie's classes. While it's not one of my favorite books I've jumped into recently, I was impressed and somewhat surprised by how much I enjoyed the book. This surprise was amplified because for the first 150 pages or so I thought I was reading "The Chronicles of a Very Naive and Boring Methodist Minister Who Doesn't Do Anything Exciting, Interesting, or Significant." I still feel like the first half of the book was about 5 times as long as it needed to be.

Yet the "Damnation" part, which consisted of the second half of the book (though the slippery slope starts in the first half), is what caught my attention. Frederic seems to make a point of showing both the good and the bad in the path that Theron Ware begins to follow, and this is indeed the reason the original name of the book was "Illumination." To Theron, of course, he is following a path of enlightenment, moving away from his narrow-minded orthodoxy to a much broader world of science, acceptance of other religions, and freedom of thought. Yet instead of taking enlightenment in moderation with his former religious conviction and family life, he can't help but let himself be swallowed up in his new fascination...but wait, I can't go spoiling a good story.

Overall, though it wasn't a very exciting book (especially the first half), it was worth the read. Theron was a character I think we all can relate to in many ways, or at least we learn from his experience. I think the book has special significance to Mormon culture (as well as other religions). Many people, raised in straight-forward orthodoxy, never come to terms with the fact that there is a larger world, and not everything secular is evil. On the other end of the spectrum, many of the same type of people go to far and completely abandon what they've always known for "enlightenment." The great applicability in this novel is in the two opposing titles. Surely "Damnation" fits at times, but at other times "Illumination" cannot be disregarded.

Genre: Fiction/19th Century American Lit

Monday, August 10, 2009

Angle of Repose - Wallace Stegner

I read this book earlier this year, but since it's at the top of my favorites list, and will likely stay there for some time, it deserves some explanation.

Winner of the 1972 Pulitzer Prize for fiction, and Stegner's best known work, Angle of Repose is a masterpiece of contemporary American literature. The story is built around a crippled historian telling the sub-story (which actually takes most of the book) of his grandparents in the western U.S of the late 1800's. Admittedly, the novel is long and occasionally even slow, but well worth the effort. At first the story of a couple making a life in the rugged west captured me more than I thought possible. I felt like I was reading about people I knew, and indeed, the power of the book is not in plot twists or action, but in the power of the characters and how much you begin to care about their life together and more especially their relationship. By the end of the book (and don't worry, this isn't a spoiler), the life of the historian narrator becomes the more pressing an relevant of the story lines as the two stories come together with one of the most powerful and profound endings I have ever read.

Even if you're not too keen on "high literature," don't disregard this one. It's more readily applicable to everyday life than your average high school English required reading. "Angle of Repose" explores themes of survival, ambition, love, forgiveness, and perhaps more than anything, marriage. And on that note, readers who are or have been married will generally find deeper insights and meaning in this novel.

Genre: Fiction/Post-modern Lit

David Copperfield - Dickens

Here's one of Katie's recent finishes:

"I finally finished something. I read all 830 pages of David Copperfield. The first 200 were tough, the second 400 were painful, and the final 230 made everything worth it. I especially appreciated the themes on marriage and relationships. Reading David Copperfield was uplifting. I want to be a better wife, a more focused worker, a gentler judge of others who may seem below me in any way, and less hypocritical, self righteous, and vindictive. Even though I complained my way through the first two thirds, David Copperfield is one of the most worthwhile books I have ever read. I will be haunted by David, Traddles, Mr. Peggoty, Uriah Heep, Mr. Dick, Dora, and Agnes for the rest of my life. I will certainly be reading this book again. Here's hoping I turn out to be like Agnes someday."

Genre: Fiction/Victorian Lit

J.R.R. Tolkien: Author of the Century - Tom Shippey

This book is likely to change your perspective on how you read and/or think about Tolkien. Though the book would be in the genre of literary criticism, it rarely feels like it. It's easy to read, interesting, applicable, and engaging every step of the way. It considers Tolkien's books in the light of linguistic influence, European mythology, perceptions of evil, Christianity, and even literary modernism. For Tolkien lovers, this book is an enlightening experience. For those who find little meaning in fantasy novels, don't consider "The Lord of the Rings" high literature, or generally under appreciate Tolkien as one of the 20th century's greatest authors, it will in the least force you to pause and reconsider.

Genre: Literary Criticism

The Spectator Bird - Wallace Stegner

I actually finished this book a few weeks ago, but it's worth mentioning for my first post. This book would only be less-than-excellent when compared to Stegner's other, more widely known novels (Angle of Repose, etc.). Like most of Stegner's work, it's a fine example of careful, engaging writing about the significant and personally applicable experiences of rather ordinary people. While it's not the first Stegner book I would recommend, it's definitely more than worth the time. For those who can't get by on anything less than constant thrills and action-packed pages, however, be sure to steer clear of this one -- unless you're ready to broaden your horizons.

Genre: Fiction/Post-modern Lit